Thursday, January 29, 2009 Y 9:58 PM Aditi just told me her juniors are scared of me (: (: i shouldn't be so happy but i am. aditi. says: and they (the juniors x and y) were like thats the first time i've heard the varsha person talk aditi. says: DAMN FUNNY varsha says: wth. aditi. says: and shes scared of you cuz you always just stare at them and never smile at them :D :D :D Ahh but today was the last day of auditions and i'm quite sad ): Auditions are really like idol. Speaking of which, the only thing i did today was watch AMERICAN idol (for people like janelle who don't know what an idol is. She's such a piggy pantsy sometimes.) D: WHY IS SIMON SO FUNNYY? Wednesday, January 28, 2009 Y 9:25 PM Weee. I just had piano lesson and my teacher was super happy with me today :D After i played my first piece, she was smiling super widely, and i just stared. Cause she's never been so happy at my playing before. EVER. Then, she said that she had nothing to say about it, and i was like "It wasn't THAT good. Wait for the other pieces first :)" Ha then she asked me whether i practised a lot this week :D :D practising before lesson really helps (: (: YAY and she's giving me hangbao next week. Varsha's a happy girl :D :D :D :D :D :D edit I actually was at the science centre to watch the solar eclipse. Don't ask why. We had to wear some special glasses to watch it. It wasn't even nice at all! It was just like a small orange dot which was half covered by a black thingum. The dot was the size of Singapore on the map. HAHA we left halfway. But some people are so funny. A picture of of a man and his best friend. Zoom in. ![]() /edit
Monday, January 26, 2009 Y 12:07 PM HAHA okay good news for BRIN! The makkals meeting at my house was cancelled cause sarah couldn't make it either AND vithya was gonna be late. So, if we have fun, we have it TOGETHER! and if we feel like CAGED ANIMAL, we feel it together haha (: ALL FOR ONE AND ONE FOR ALL. Nevermind, one day we'll make this outing happen haha. Gives us time to do work too. Speaking of which, we shouldn't HAVE work. It's like the holidays hello? The school is mad. Holidays should be like sleeping until 3pm and not feeling guilty about it. I'm going back to sleep man. I have the sudden urge to eat a bottle full of nutella. Y 12:01 AM Helloooo :D I just finished watching 5 episodes of Boys Before Flowers (: haha im catching up. AHH its so cute and funny. I loveee korean language! It's so, i don't know how to say, like CRISPY. Unlike tamil, which according to sarah, sounds like you want to fight all the time. Okay, i feel sleepy. HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR! gong xi fa cai and HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHLOE PAWA!! <3 thanks for being such a retarded batchmate, and always being there for us. You're doing a great job, believe in yourself and have a blessed year ahead. And sleep earlier or i'll slap you. Im waiting for it to be 26 jan so i can post this thing alr. Saturday, January 24, 2009 Y 9:47 PM Went out with 203 makkals today. Or as Vithya says it, the REAL makkalz. haha. It was so fun (: (: Vithya couldn't come for the first half cause she had IND ): Anyway, me, brin, sarah and najip met at like 9.30 in school on a saturday. hee. HAHA firstly no one will actually believe that we met in school just to play badminton at 9.30 in the morning haha. We played badminton at first. While me, sarah and anu played a game, we made up a victory dance and a loser dance. HAHA it was so funny. When we all played together, we each were like part of a family. I was the PATTI (grandma) and najip was the THATHA (grandpa) and Anu was the "not so cool" badminton player. Brintha was OWVEYAR. (which is like a tamil..poet i think). We played a bit of netball and i feel so fit now (: we even had some fruit okay. SO HEALTHY :D Crashed dance prac for awhile also, and aditi and vithya played badminton with us for like 10 min, when they were supposed to be getting a DRINK. haha shhh. We took shadow pictures and jumpshots but FAILL ): haha najip will send the pictures SOON. The jumpshot pictures were the most unglam ever. There was one where Anu looked like a sumo wrestler ready to pounce but she deleted it ): ![]() Sarah, Anu, Me, Brin - INSERT OTHER EMBARRASSING JUMPSHOT PICTURES - Then after exercise, brin, sarah, najip and me went to eat lunch at PASTAMANIA. Anu had to go home and pack for the beach, cause she has an exciting social life. Meanwhile, I think i put back on everything i lost while exercising cause i sorta ate my plate of pasta and 1/4 of sarah's, but nevermind D: Then, Najip had to leave cause she had to go for badminton lessons with her 6 year old sister. SO CUTE (: After we ate, the 3 of us went roaming around far east, looking at random stuff like shoes etc. Then, we had the brilliant idea of going to This Fashion. We dared each other to try on WEIRD STUFF like tubes and stuff but we settled for like trying a skirt on each. We had our sweaty stinky shorts on anyway lah haha. It was so funny haha and i was quite scared our pictures would end up in tomorrow's newspaper but anyway. There were funnier ones but brin doesn't allow us to put her face anywhere haha. Okay after that we met vithya and decided to go Tangs for fun. But on the way, we saw this freaky lady. Like she had LONG hair and was dressed in red and had like paint all over her hands and legs and was walking SO SLOWLY. She didn't even turn at all. Brintha and vithya didn't want to see her at all so they just stayed at far east for awhile, while me and sarah followed her. Then we pretended to walk all the way towards tangs very fast, and then slowly turned back to see her face. IT WAS SO SCARY okay. She had no expression and her eyes didn't really look like they had much colour according to Sarah. Later when we were in Tangs, Brin and Vithya went around awhile while me and sarah decided to stalk her again. She just kept walking and then, when someone beside her stopped, she suddenly stopped. We were so freaked, we just went back to safe old tangs. We took some pictures of her but while i was uploading them, my com sorta hanged so i got scared and deleted them. Then, one of her pictures kept saying "deleting failed" while i tried to get rid of them from my phone. I was so freaked okay. I think i finally deleted it. HAHA before we went, vithya was like, "come back safe okay. " Yeah then we went around and found a prom dress section. We were looking around and then we saw this PERFECT dress. It was like the nicest colour, like a slight silverish, bluish purplish kinda silver. And had the nicest cut also. We asked Vithya to try it on and she looked so cute in it. Should have taken photo of the dress lah aiyah. So we decided each must try on a dress by the end of the day. So i tried on this like dark purple on with a ribbon in the middle, but it was quite loose haha. But it was so fun trying on stuff! We went to isetan to look at the dresses too. But when i reached home, i was so tired i slept on my bed for like 3 hours without even changing out of my disgusting shorts and shirt haha. grossness. HAHA okay i think i wanna have people over on monday to watch MOVIES (: i think it'll be fun. Thats all for now. Friday, January 23, 2009 Y 10:13 PM HAHA today was like the chinese new year CELEBRATIONS so called but we had lessons the whole day ): UGHH. The only funny lesson today was surprisingly SS. haha. Ms Lim was explaining to us how to write our lorms answers. So she went like, Ms Lim : You all shouldn't beat around the bush! ALWAYS BEATING ABOUT THE BUSH! (CLASS LAUGHS) Ms Lim : Just go straight to the point okay class! No bush to beat then you want to beat what?!! Shi hui : OBAMA! (CLASS STARTS LAUGHING LIKE CRAZY) HAHA that has got to be the funniest thing ever. Then during group discussions, Shamaine told us that Arasi made the best animal noises. So we kept begging her to do the funny sounds like the crow and PIG. It was SOOO FUNNAAYEEE. Then after doing the pig and crow, we were like, "do the chicken" and arasi did the chicken one. Then we went, " do the dog one" then arasi goes "which kind?" HAHA and im like "WOW haha got different kinds somemore." and then someone asks her to do the big dog and she says she doesnt know how to do it. Huanying asks her to do the lion and Arasi goes "What, you think im running a zoo here is it?" OMGGG SO FUNNNYYYY. i laughed until i almost cried. Then, after school was supposed to be ICS orientation but i couldn't go cause there was sec one trials ): but i guess auditions are quite fun too lah. I'm too lazy to update and i'm quite sad i couldn't go for orientation but im pleased to announce that i think my batch is the most retarded batch in the history of retarded choir batches. I'll just post videos heh. Chloe's emo spasms The coolest version of womanizer ever sung The song called Varsha (: (: Okay thats all. Don't feel like uploading the rest + janelle doesn't let me ): WHEN IM OLD AND SICK, you are paying for my medical bills. YAY got 203 makkals outing tomorrow. Can't wait :D haha i need to get a youtube account. Tuesday, January 20, 2009 Y 10:20 PM AUDITIONS ARE FUN omgggg. Really quite fun listening to everyone and like giving them scales to sing and writing comments and trying not to laugh at some of them. HAHA janelle, we need to learn how to be not nice. IM HAVING A SORE THROAT. I DONT KNOW WHY. LIKE SUDDENLY my throat just sore-d. EHHH i think that sec fours are turning into mugger worms these days. Sooner or late, people are gonna start walking everywhere around with dictionaries. nightmares.
Saturday, January 17, 2009 Y 12:21 AM It's the last of everything i had just started on four years ago. Seems just like yesterday we were sec ones, all new to the school, blur and annoying.
We're sec four now. I don't think i've changed. I need to be more mature. I don't wanna grow OLD. I don't wanna be sec four. |
colourful Hello. I'm varsha 040393 ex-rulangnite rafflesian 6R'05 103'06 203'07 305'08 405'09 choir hadlien ongoing ESCAPADES from rps- amelia cassandra chester danqiong fangying jin Fu lay Ching lin wen priscilla shan jee sharon shiqi stephenie yiling yimeng ying xiang yulin from rgs- aditi angela anu ashlynna bzzz ♥ charlene claudia cheowying emily grace huan ying huiqing hui ying ivalyn jiaying joy kang jie kathy + pris kelly kexin krystal leena miin peixin pristine priya D rachel renci ria ser gin shamaine shi hui siti tze gek vithya yan lin yiyang yun shu yuxi yvonne zhen ling 103 305 FTW fc from choir- amanda chanel chloe?! bianche catherine chanel chengyi emeline en ting fiona geetha giovanni grace kong grace tan jacqueline jodyn jovina kimberly may michelle tan michelle wang peiying priscilla yong reetaza samantha shiao yen shze hui sixuan sneha stacey stefanie suet ping weiling zong min PSLs '06 - chao ying cheryl debbie shihua xiao di into the past -June 2006 -July 2006 -August 2006 -January 2007 -February 2007 -August 2007 -October 2007 -November 2007 -December 2007 -January 2008 -March 2008 -May 2008 -June 2008 -July 2008 -August 2008 -October 2008 -December 2008 -January 2009 -February 2009 -March 2009 -September 2009 APPLAUSE basecodes by: detonatedlove/♥s} images: photobucket designer: /♥s}summerkisses} |